If an item is damaged, incorrectly supplied or you simply want to return an item, please inform us by phone or e-mail within 14 days of delivery. The items must be returned to us within 30 days of purchase. Please note that we are unable to accept your return if we have not been notified first.
Refunds will be made using the same method used to pay for your order within 5 working days of us receiving your return.
Items should be returned in their original packaging with a copy of your order invoice at your own expense. If you choose to return an item to us, we will not be responsible for any loss or damage in transit and we reserve the right to charge you or not to refund any amounts attributable to such loss or damage. We therefore recommend that you use a recorded delivery service.
Safeship Fulfilment LTD,
Unit A,
Cullet Drive,
ME11 5JS.
Please note that we are not open to the general public.